Real Bitchy Housewives Pages

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ramona Cooks

Click on THIS link for a video of Ramona making chicken skewers.

Ramona gets her Pinot on

Tweet/pic. from Ramona.

At Serafina having a late lunch and a little pinot grigio

Luann and Sonja do lunch

Tweet/pic. from Luann.

Sharing a plate of langoustines with Sonja!

The Real Housewives give back

Post from about the housewives giving a helping hand to NY families.

Photos:Wire Image
By Amanda Laz
The volunteer community came together in a big way to party for a cause at New York City's Basketball City on Pier 36. The 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service continued at Target's "Party For Good: Making Meals to Feed Young Minds." The night started out with a goal of providing 150,000 meals for New York City families, totaling around 4,000 meal kits each containing enough food to feed a family of four 3 meals for 3 days. The Food Bank For New York City is set to deliver these kits (created by volunteers at the event) to families in need and realize Target's mission of providing the nutrition necessary to ensure quality school performance. The Insider's Lara Spencer emceed the event, along with the likes of American Idol runner-up Katharine McPhee (above), celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito and a bevy of Real Housewives.

Inside the converted basketball complex, assembly lines bordered the flashing red and white walls as mega-screens broadcast performances from the live stage. McPhee championed the importance of providing meals for children even when they are not in school and she vowed to continue to volunteer at a California Food Bank in the near future. Kelly Bensimon was moved by the cause as well and decided to add a feathered earring to her jewelry line (with proceeds going to the organization) after seeing, "the change in peoples eyes after eating"when volunteering at a food bank   .

Attendees were kept well fed with buffet style tables of food to fuel the celebration. Leftovers were thoughtfully set aside for donation and compost bins were in place for maximum utility. A bar in the middle of the room and ice cream carts accompanied the festivities. Target volunteers kept the assembly lines moving and each 25,000 meal kits created resulted in a new surprise, most notably a performance by McPhee. The 150,000 meal goal was realized in the last half hour of the event to a proud crowd. DeSpirito (above with Bensimon) summed up the evening nicely: providing food "is something near and dear to my heart because I like to feed people, I like the feeling of being full and I like the feeling of being at a table with your friends and family. It makes me very sad that there are people out there that can't enjoy that."

The celebration ensured that thousands more could worry a little less, and enjoy a little more.

Kim G. dishes about Danielle

Videos from Ranus Reviews with Kim G. 2 parts.

Will There Be A Fourth For Jill Zarin?

Word on the street is Jill Zarin will NOT be returning for the 4th season. She will possibly take a spiritual journey; I would if she can get a group rate and take Kelly with her???

Just wondering ;)

Danielle Staub Dishes On Showdown With Castmates, Gives Advice To Ashley

Check out what Famecrawler just got off the press!

Is Jill doing her fake posting again?

Check out Lynn's blog HERE to read about the hate posts for Alex/Simon and Bethenny fans.

Kim Granatell's tweets

Found a few tweets from Kim Granatell about the fashion brawl.

Danielle wanted me to rearrange the table to her liking and throw people off just so she could have the table the way she wanted. Of course!

That was my table. Danielle was an invited guest. The seating was based on 1st come 1st served. Danielle created chaos with the seating

Kim D and I both expected to win the Snake Award.. Ahhh!!! too bad!

As you can see my table was quiet and quite upset. Danielle never lightened up. As a result she ruined everyone's evening.

Chris lays down the law to Ashley

Click on THIS link to see Chris tell off Ashley

Jacqueline talks about how she met Chris and the FIFTH HOUSEWIFE

Excerpt from Jacqueline's blog. She refers to Danielle as the 5th housewife. What is she Voldemort, her name cannot be spoken.

For those of you who have been asking about how Chris and I met, I will tell you the story. Chris and I met the summer of 1996 when Ashley was only five years old. At the time, I rented a chair in a salon doing hair as a licensed cosmetologist in Las Vegas, Nevada where I had moved with my ex-husband and my parents in 1990. I also would work my salon schedule and appointments around certain weeks when I was modeling at conventions that frequently came to our town. It was good money that I needed and I enjoyed doing it. I don't really like to call it modeling because it wasn't as glamorous as print work and runway, but I had fun doing it anyway. I modeled clothes, shoes, accessories, electronics, computer programs, just what ever came to town. I never took jobs out of town because I had to take care of a small child. One day my Dad, who was senior vice president of operations at the Riviera Hotel and Casino, told me that a coworker of his knew a guy that needed a model to work in his booth at a trade show in Chicago. It was for the the NSGA (National Sporting Goods) trade show or something like that. I could never afford a vacation, so a trip to Chicago sounded like a pretty good deal to me and came at a time when I really felt like I needed to get away. My Dad's coworker was a guy named Steve Shiripa. You may know him by his character on The Sopranos. Steve is actually the guy that introduced me to a friend who hired me to do that job in Chicago. Meanwhile, Chris was a jobber in the wholesale apparel business and was building a new company. He was returning from vacation when he and his brothers decided last minute to go to the convention in Chicago. Chris was living in New Jersey at the time. Fate and destiny at work. Chris and his brothers happened to come by our booth and his brother just happened to know one of the girls I was working with through her sister. Small world. Chris and I were introduced. I thought nothing of it, besides the fact that he was a handsome guy with pretty blue eyes and dimples who was very quiet and seemed shy, but sexy at the same time.

Chris and his brothers came back around later that day and invited us to a dinner they were having. I originally said no because I didn't know them well enough, but the girl I was working with kept insisting that she knew them to be good guys. She told me that Chris wasn't going to go unless I went. I found that strange and hard to believe because Chris and I hadn't spoken much, but I was intrigued at the same time. I finally agreed to go to the dinner but only if we met them there. Chris and I sat across from each other and basically tuned everyone else out all night while we talked and laughed. We had an instant connection. I had a great time with him. When I left, we exchanged numbers to keep in touch, never thinking it could go anywhere because of the distance between us. From that day on it was nonstop visiting and ridiculously long and frequent phone calls in which we really got to know each other and became the best of friends and fell in love. That went on for about five years. There was a year break between us after three years. I really had no desire to move to New Jersey at the time and pull Ashley away from my family and friends and he couldn't make the move to Nevada. We couldn't move forward. I was so in love with him and I wasn't dating other people, but I was scared to make the move. After our year apart, our failed attempts to get each other out of our minds and attempts of being with other people, we both realized we were just meant to be together and it wasn't worth fighting it anymore. We had missed being in each others lives so much. We knew we loved each other but I just didn't know where he would fit in and where it could go. We reconnected and then a year later he came to me and proposed to me right in front of Ashley. I had to make a decision right then and there. HELL YES! I decided to go for it. I knew if I didn't that I might regret it the rest of me life. I knew that I loved Chris, he made me laugh, we both enjoyed a lot of the same interests, we had the same family values, and wanted similar things for our future. I felt safe with him and knew that he would always take care of me and Ashley, and he'd treat her like his own daughter. It was the best decision I ever made! We've been together 14 years and we're still going strong. I still see my Nevada friends and family often. It all worked out.(While dating Chris I also went on to work for Lancome and worked on-call for swing and graveyard shifts as a cocktail waitress for a local hotel and casino called Samstown. I also freelanced as a makeup artist, just in case you were wondering.) That's the end of my long ass story and the beginning of a new one that you're more familiar with ... my life in New Jersey.

The only thing Teresa asked of everybody that she invited to her house was to not mention the fifth housewife's name. She wanted the party to be a positive, fun experience for everybody. Caroline was put on patrol that night to shut down any mention of you know who. She did a good job. Nobody wanted to hear her name or talk about her anymore. I heard Kim G. telling Caroline that I was obsessed with a certain someone when, at the time, KIM was the one constantly coming to ME to discuss that certain someone. Kim would also ask me for advice on how to handle her. It was just weird that she would go there like that, at that particular time, and to Caroline of all people. I felt it was uncalled for and I couldn't figure out why she did it. I was offended and needed to tell Kim why. A lot of that confrontation was cut out. It was mostly me reminding her of all the moments SHE came to ME to discuss that certain someone and what she had told me about her. I was not obsessed, I was upset. I feel like there is a difference. When Kim asked me what my problem was with that fifth housewife, I told her my reasons. End of story. Kim G. and I came to an understanding that night. She apologized and we moved on and started being friendly again.

I still really like Kim D. She makes me laugh. I know it seemed a little crazy for her to take over Teresa's mic during her housewarming speech, but Kim's heart was in the right place when she expressed how she was feeling. There was nothing wrong with Kim getting drunk at that party. Teresa wanted us to drink, have some laughs and enjoy the festivities. Kim was just feeling really good and happy at that moment and wanted to share that with us all. LOL! I thought it was hilarious. Caroline ... not so much. I had confronted Kim D. right away and was very honest with her from the beginning of our friendship about my suspicions of her and that I wanted to know the real deal between her and the fifth housewife. She explained herself and gave what seemed to be honest answers and I respected her for that. Kim had always been very pleasant to me and I had no reason to not like her. Who she is friends with is really none of my business. Kim D. told me all the ways the fifth housewife did her wrong and how she disposed of Kim when she no longer needed her. So Kim decided to start to treat her the same way in return. The fifth housewife and I both actually met Kim D. on the same day, ironically enough. We both were shopping in her store, Posche. A lot of the clothes you've seen us wear this season, including some of the jewelry, came from Posche.

Caroline comments on the Posche show

Excerpt from Caroline's blog. I read all the HW blogs and pick out the interesting comments. Here is Caroline's.

Regarding the fashion show, I think I’ll just talk about one or two things for now and reserve comments until next week. Remember, I wasn’t there, so I don’t want to make any assumptions. You know what happens when you assume, right? You make an ASS out of U and Me, get it? Sorry, lame joke. First thing's first. The fashion show was on a Wednesday night, and yes, it’s the only day of the week that we are all together as a family and we generally try to spend it together. However, I don’t care what night of the week the show fell on, wild horses couldn’t have dragged me there. Like I said, it was a recipe for disaster. Looks like I was right. If you remember I told Jac and Teresa the best thing to do was nothing. You need to pick and choose your battles; this one had no point and was not worth fighting. I need to address one thing, Ashley is a lot of things, and she can be frustrating to say the very least. But one thing SHE IS NOT is a COKE WHORE. What an absolutely disgraceful thing to say.

I do have to admit that I was amused by the appearance of a new bodyguard, or should I say "Donny Brasco." Whatever happened to the Sweathogs reject? I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself, you just can’t make this stuff up, I swear.

The next episode looks to be quite the spectacle, though I can’t say that I’m looking forward to it. To be continued...

As always, thanks for watching, you guys are the best!


Danielle sorry she called Ashley a "coke whore"

Excerpt from Danielle's blog about Ashley.  This is the only mention in her blog about the Posche fashion show.

I would like to take a moment to say I am sorry for what I said about Ashley. It is never pretty to get in the mud with that kind of darkness and I shouldn't have done so. I’m not proud of that moment and I can promise I will do my very best to not do that again. I’m not going to make excuses, I’m just going to simply say, my sincere apologies.

Teresa defends her behavior at Posche fashion show

Below is an excerpt of Teresa's blog from Bravo, she talks about Danielle and the fashion show brawl.

So I guess I gotta go there. Again, please understand, none of us want to talk about Danielle. I find no pleasure in thinking about her for one second of my life, let alone writing about her. But we all agreed to be on a show together and part of that means we have to interact. Blogging our thoughts and opinions after the show is part of the deal. How many weeks is she just going to put up fake, bland BS on her blog? It’s so boring and lame. Maybe she really does want to get kicked off. There’s a Facebook poll out there, Danielle. Maybe you should sign it.

We all know she is full of crap because she was on Andy Cohen live last week talking trash about all of us, vemon dripping off her fangs onto her new bubbies, AFTER she wrote that she’s going to be all "love and light." Right…

I was sick to my stomach watching Danielle with her children. Jillian calls probably just looking for her mama, and Danielle tells her, "Mommy has a little situation here." Who talks like that to their baby girl? Why scare her? I’m sooo sad for those kids. Keep your crazy to yourself Danielle.

I have issue with Danielle saying she doesn’t know that I’m a nice person. She does know because we were friends once upon a time. Like Jacqueline, I gave her a HUGE chance last year. I even invited her, her kids, and her boyfriend to spend the weekend with me and my family at the beach! That’s not nice? I was sincerely trying to say hi to her at the fashion show. It was so childish and weird just staring at each other all night. I wanted to break up the tension. Who knew, right?

If anyone instigated anything, it was Danielle. She said she knew Kim D. wasn’t her friend anymore. Her daughter wasn’t walking in the fashion show. So why did she come? Why go somewhere to support someone you say don’t like if you weren’t trying to start trouble? And bringing a freakin’ bodyguard? Yeah, that went so well for you at the Brownstone. She was obviously there to make a big statement, show up late, talk on the phone, and then stomp around with her tiny, and actually very sweet, bodyguard.

And Paris Hilton, really? Really Danielle? Paris taught you to pretend you’re talking on the phone? I don’t think so. The only thing you have in common with Paris Hilton is a sex tape.

There were some really funny lines in the episode this week. Kim D.: "There won’t be any craziness. It’s a country club." Ashley: "I’m just going to ignore her." And the best of all, Danielle: "I’m not going to be running from anyone." Famous last words ... bitch!

I can’t wait until July 12th. Then you all get to see what really happened! For the record, Jacqueline and I were modeling those fur wraps as a favor to Kim D. They’re from Posche. I didn’t buy it. But I will say that when you see the next episode, just remember, the chinchilla made me do it. I think I was possessed by that damn coat!

So great meeting all of you this week! I love, love, love you all! Keep sending me your Skinny Italian stories and pictures. You can buy the book on the Bravo Shop. For my jewelry, clothing and appearance info, as well as the newest news – I’m coming out with a make-up line with my amazing artist Daniel Cerone very soon called TG Fabulicious! – visit me at or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at @Teresa_Giudice.

Tanti Baci,

Kandi talks celebrity bodyguards on Hello Beautiful

Click on THIS link to see Kandi talk about celebrities.

Kelly at" Eclipse" Premiere

Kelly attends The Cinema Society screening of "Eclipse"