Real Bitchy Housewives Pages

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cat And Stacie RHODC Have Become Closer

Post from TV Guide.

by Denise Martin
It had been a long day of hyping their new Bravo series, and The Real Housewives of Washington, D.C.'s Catherine "Cat" Ommanney desperately wanted to change the subject from co-star and alleged White House party crasher Michaele Salahi.

She and her castmates — Stacie Turner, Mary Amons, and Lynda Erkiletian — had been asked quite enough about Salahi, thank you very much. (Salahi was absent during this chat two weeks ago, later explaining to that she and husband Tareq had been busy hiring a lawyer, Lisa Bloom — and just in time, it seems.) Ommanney instead wanted to focus on the premiere, and specifically the questions she was fielding about her tirade against Tyra Banks and President Barack Obama. Indeed, last week's series opener had more than a few racially charged moments.
There was Amons' tipsy, drawn-out declaration that black and white women should be going to the same D.C. hair salons — "I had been drinking," she said during the group interview— followed by Ommanney's dismissals of Banks and President Obama.

Banks, Ommanney said in the episode, thinks she's "the most important woman on the planet ... beautiful but hideous."
And Obama, well, he didn't show up to her soon-to-be ex-husband's award ceremony and that didn't sit well with Ommanney. Photographer Charles Ommanney was feted last year by the White House News Photographers Association for his shot of Obama moments before he would be sworn in as president. "I'm sorry, I've been really impressed by you and all the hope you've given America, but you know what, Obama, you've just gone down in my estimation," she said.
Turner, the D.C. edition's "grounded" housewife, defended Ommanney. "I thought the scene with Cat and I was a little amplified and made to have a racial undertone to it, which really didn't exist when it happened," Turner said. "The reason we're reacting like this is because every single reporter has brought up the exchange between Cat and I — when it was happening, it was more of a healthy disagreement."
"In Washington, there are many different opinions." Amons added.

"The fact that I was putting Tyra Banks down and mildly disappointed with Obama, it has nothing to do with color," Ommanney said. "It just happened to be two people I mentioned on the same night. I despise racism and sexism."

The Real Housewives of Washington, D.C.: Power players? Get real!

Ommanney — who split with her husband after the show stopped filming — said that as "the shocking Brit" she's probably "too outspoken, but Stacie now says I'm quite refreshing."
Turner said the two have since become close. "If she did that today, I'd be like, 'Yeah, Cat, whatever.'"
Erkiletian acknowledged that they all want their show to be a hit — no matter the cost.

"There's always something that's going to be pulled for each episode, and we can only hope that it's interesting enough that people want to keep watching — whether it's true or misconstrued," Erkiletian said. "The fact is we want our show to be a success."

Tamra At BlogHer'10

Short video of Tamra when she attended BlogHer'10

Danielle Performs At Scores Birthday Party

Post and Video from the Page Six, the NY Post.  You Tube Full Performance video.

KIM G had a surprise for her rival Danielle Staub's 48th birthday -- she crashed Staub's party at Scores. The pint-size lackey on "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" hopped onto the red carpet outside the mammary mecca shouting that she wasn't invited and didn't care. Staub waited angrily, telling organizers she wouldn't leave her car until Kim G left. Kim G walked off and hid in a tinted Honda CRV feet away from the press gaggle as Staub made her way saying, "Kim G who?" Staub tripped four times while performing onstage with her lesbian lover Lori Michaels. A former stripper, Staub told us, "Scores is a comfort zone for me."

Teresa-RHONJ Blog

Ciao Bello!

How much did I love this week's episode? So much great family comedy and so
little Danielle drama! Well, there was a little, so let's just get that out of
the way…
Joe was with his beautiful wife the night of his accident, thank you very much. We went to dinner with Caroline and Albert, Jacqueline and Chris and even Tamra from Real Housewives of Orange County. When we came back from the city, my car was at Jacqueline's house, so I drove back with her instead of riding back with Joe. Thank goodness I did because his car was really smashed up. That was the first miracle – that I wasn't in the car. The second was that Joe was completely fine. He had to crawl out of the window (which I'm pretty sure you couldn't do successfully without even getting a scratch if you were drunk). He was just around the corner from our house, closed his eyes for a second, and that was all it took. Driving tired can actually be just as dangerous as driving drunk, and it definitely sneaks up on you. We are so thankful that Joe was OK, that no one else was injured. He doesn't drive late at night anymore. Please, everyone, be careful and don’t drive when you’re tired, even if you think you're OK!

And yes, it is totally true that he walked to a neighbor's house, and then had a couple shots to calm his nerves. He just walked away from a huge crash uninjured and I was supposed to be in the seat next to him. Who wouldn't be shaken up? It didn't even occur to him that the police would check him for drinking because he wasn't drunk. And when the police arrived, they didn't even question him because there was no indication he was impaired at all. Because his car completely flipped, he had to go to the hospital to be examined, and when they drew his blood, then they found the scotch from after the accident. He wasn't arrested (believe me, you'd see his mug shot all over the Internet, wouldn't you?). The hospital sent the blood test to the police after we left, and a week later we got the citation in the mail.

Drunk driving is a very serious thing and we don't do it. We always get a designated driver or call a cab. Our hearts go out to everyone who has been affected by a drunk driving accident, or just a car accident in general. We are so, so lucky. Things like this put everything in perspective and make us realize what's really important in life: our family, friends and our faith.

Of course, the entire aftermath with the press and insane accusations like Danielle's was very stressful. (I didn't know strip clubs were open until 2 a.m.… am I surprised Danielle knew that? No. Was I surprised she had her birthday party at the strip club Scores? No. I pray her children weren't there. Nice example, Danielle. Nice.) So the trip to Italy was perfectly timed.

Don’t get me wrong, traveling with a huge group (and huge camera crew) is not easy. We had three generations with us! But it made for amazing memories. As you saw, I’m not bothered at all by the stress of travel. We take our kids everywhere. Yes, you can take your baby to Italy. I'd much rather be a little tired and jetlagged with my baby in my arms than to leave her behind with a babysitter. But that's just me.

There was a little crabbiness on the ship – I'm looking at you Joe and Caroline – but what you didn't see was how sick they were. Joe was sooo seasick. Even on the gondola ride he was seasick! He was layed out on the cruise! And poor Caroline was in the hospital the night before we left with kidney stones that she took with her to Italy. So painful!

Joe and I were supposed to go to the cooking class with Chris and Jacqueline, so Caroline and Albert volunteered to watch our girls while we went. But Joe was too seasick to get out of bed, so we didn't end up going. I stayed in the cabin taking care of him and Audriana, but I wanted the girls to have fun and go swimming with Caroline and Albert. Isn't Albert the sweetest? He's going to make a great grandpa someday! And Caroline too, of course! Joe and I did get our date later, but he was still pretty sick for most of it.

The girls were also jetlagged and the time difference was killing them. You'll see them perk up in a few days. How hilarious was it that Milania fell asleep on her cake?

My favorite part of last night was seeing Jacqueline back to her old happy self. She is hilarious and so fun and you never got to see that with all the Danielle drama.

Shopping in Venice was also so fun. We really just window shopped, but what a great place to do it! The one thing I got, because I like to get a souvenir from everywhere I go, was the green glass ring. But my father-in-law bought it for me. That's why I kissed him as soon as I came out of the store. I love love love
my parents and Joe's parents!

One more clarification. A lot of people Twittered me asking about my bag of "hair extensions." It was hair accessories, not extensions. I don't wear extensions. It’s really all my real hair. Ask my fabulous hairdresser Daniel Cerone and he will tell you. Ask anyone who knows me. But I did have an entire duffel bag of just hair bows and headbands for the girls because I just love them to wear stuff in their hair!

Thank you all for coming to my book signings and embracing Skinny Italian! Keep sending me pictures of your gorgeous meals and even more gorgeous kids! Visit my website for my latest appearances, friend me on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter. I’m not going to lie, I Twitter the most because I can do it on my phone the easiest. I do read every single one and try to answer as many as I can, but if you follow me on Twitter, you have a better chance of getting a response from me (Facebook makes it so hard—they keep changing their freakin'site!)


Twitter: @Teresa_Giudice

Wait until you see my hometown and family reunion next week!

Tanti Baci,

Teresa Giudice

Jacqueline-RHONJ Blog

Hello again! I'm not quite sure how to approach my blog this week! I skipped a couple because my blogs were getting so negative and I really needed to calm down and regain some self control. I am going to quickly type this blog with whatever or however it comes to mind so I can get it out there for you to read, so I apologize if it is random and all out of sequence.

Thank you all for your love and support and for standing by me even as bitterness took me over. I don't know if you have ever been hurt or felt jaded by someone, or if you let that hurt turn into anger, and you were led to the point where you lost control and it consumed you, but as you have seen, I have. I was actually OK during filming, but it was more so the events that took place afterward that I became even more angered and more obsessive about exposing the truth. The more I thought about it, the more I thought....and THEN what? As long as the other person involved and I know the truth, then that is all that should matter to me. I shouldn't involve other people. People should make their own discoveries about others and form their own opinions based on their own observations or experiences. Who am I to deliver the truth about somebody else? I need to mind my own business. It was not my place. It was one thing to be upset about what was said and done to me and my loved ones, but the other things were just none of my business. I think I just enjoyed hearing the rest and spreading it because I disliked her so much. The bottom line here is enough is enough. My ultimate goal is to have all negativity removed from my life. At least a good bulk of it. I guess that needs to start with me not spewing it. Once again, Caroline was right. She tried to avoid the drama all along and help us to prevent more drama from happening. Why is it that she is always right? I really should listen to her more. I'm always just in the moment, I don't always think that far ahead. That's just me.

As far as Kim G. is concerned. I really don't think she is a horrible person. She does do some nice things for people. She is very generous with her time and money and does great charitable things for people in need. I think that Kim is a people pleaser. I think that whoever she is with in the moment she will do her best to uplift and support them, so it can come across as two-faced sometimes. Although I DO think she may have stirred the pot a few times and took it a little too far. I also feel that Kim should have been honest with her friend from the very start. If you can't be honest with your friends then you need to ask yourself if they are REALLY your friends? I'm all about honesty and keeping it real. I always try my best to express what I am feeling. It's all in your delivery. If you come at someone in a combative way, you can expect the other person to be on the defensive and come back at you in a combative way. If you come at someone in a calm, rational way, speaking from your heart and at least trying to listen and understand where the other person is coming from, you just may get the answers and resolve you are looking for. Always ask yourself before confronting someone, "What is my ultimate goal from this conversation? Am I looking to resolve something? Do I want a positive outcome?" If it's not a positive outcome you are looking to achieve than I suggest you just put it behind you and move on because it is not worth your breath and aggravation. Why bother? Why lose your self control? It takes a lot of energy to hate someone. If you know that someone is not a good fit for your life, then just move away from them and keep living yours and don't let yourself worry about how the other person chooses to live their life and what they are saying about you. These are lessons that I have learned and lived in the past but I recently had to reintroduce them to myself again. "To err is human." Basically, try to live by those old sayings, "Live and let live," and "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone then don't say it at all." It's that simple (but difficult.)

Let's get to the more positive stories from Albie, Lauren, and Christopher. They crack me up. I enjoy their sense of humor. I loved how after seeing Albie lift weights Christopher pretended Albie's handshake was so strong it hurt him and then when Albie lightly tapped Christopher to go away he pretended to go flying. I still laugh about that. The kids all play off each other all of the time. They like to tease each other but it's harmless. If you notice, there is always a lot of laughter in their house. Their teasing is all done out of love. I think Ashley was sensitive to it in the beginning because she didn't understand it, but she gets it now. Ashley didn't grow up with siblings around until she was 11. She didn't grow up with cousins around her age. She had to adjust to the dynamics of it all. Albie is one of the first people she calls when she's in a bind. I love that she feels she has others that she can trust and rely on. That's what family is all about. You can bicker with each other but when it comes down to it, you are all there for each other when you need to be.

I'm proud of Albie for going through police training and being proactive while he is waiting to hear from the Law schools. It was a way he could learn the ins and outs of the law. I think it was a great idea. He learned a lot there. Albie still looked cute with his head shaved. I loved Christopher's reaction to it. Christopher and Lauren are both hard workers as well and I am equally as proud of them. I'm proud of all my nieces and nephews. I love them all.

I took Ashley to pick up her summons so I could talk to her more about how she was feeling about everything. I wanted to see if she had learned anything from this. I wanted to know if she knew how to handle herself if she was ever in a situation like that again. I wouldn't want history to repeat itself. I wanted to hear her tell me other ways we had talked about earlier that could have prevented this situation. I wasn't feeling any remorse from her. She was actually laughing about it as if it were a joke. It was disturbing to me. Perhaps it was a nervous laugh? I don't know. Let's face it, by law, you can't smack your child, so enough of the beat down advice. Besides, you all know that if I did that, I'd be getting reamed for that too. Ashley handled all of her punishments in this manner. We took away her TV and she would say she was grateful for that because she needed the break from it. We stripped her room down to nothing and she said she was grateful she didn't have as much to clean. We would give away her clothes and she would say she was grateful someone else could benefit from them because she was bored with them. We took away her car and she said she had enough friends to drive her where she needed to go. We would take away her computer and she would just go on her phone. I wanted her to have a phone so I could contact her when I needed to, but there were times we took it away. It didn't phase her. We would ground her and it wouldn't phase her. We pulled her out of dance classes until she brought her grades up. She didn't work towards earning her privileges back. If any of you have a strong willed teenager you get what I am saying and understand what I'm dealing with. I love Ashley so much, but she IS difficult. I am grateful to those of you who relate to me and I appreciate the stories that you have shared with me. Thank you for understanding. My husband and I do try our best. We DO always discuss with her where we feel she went wrong and give her our input on what we feel may have been better choices for her and have asked her to apply them if she is ever in a similar situation again. We always ask her what she thought she could have done differently. I like to make her think a little about her reactions and consequences and see how SHE feels about them.

Whether or not you see it on camera, we DO try our best to guide her. I have said many times that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. One day she will get it. I feel like Chris and I do our best at parenting. Every parent makes mistakes along the way, but over all we show and give our children a lot of love, our time and our guidance (whether or not they take it). We provide our children with a nice clean home, great schools, feed them, clothe them, give them the tools they need to learn and grow,and we meet all of their needs. We are doing the best we can. Of course there is always room for improvement, but we're doing the best we know how. It's comforting to know that we are not alone in our struggles and there ARE people that understand and have been where we are. How would you like someone judging you on your worst day as a parent or a day when you may not have handled things in the best way? None of us do the right thing ALL of the time. Constructive criticism does help sometimes. I'm always open to suggestions.

I am proud of Ashley for telling the truth from the beginning and using her newly earned money to pay for her own bills.She had earned money from the show plus she is also working and earning her own money. It was unfortunate that Ashley had other responsibilities to take care of and couldn't vacation with us to Italy, but I admire her for doing what she had to do and stepping up and taking care of her responsibilities and facing her consequences of her actions head on. She pleasantly surprises me sometimes. I still have faith in her.

Italy was a much needed trip. As chaotic as it was with 20 family members, it was so much fun! I had a blast! You got to see the sillier side of me. Last year on the show, I was always put in very serious or uncomfortable situations so you really didn't get a chance to know that side of me. Until the finale, I don't think you got to see the feisty side of me either. There you have it! You have now been introduced to more sides of me. I've always been the same person, but you only see me for who I am in the situations that arise.
I hope that makes sense. I will never pretend to be someone I am not, except when it comes to plastic surgery because I want to preserve myself as long as possible. LOL! Screw growing old gracefully! Growing old gracefully is great for the people that ACTUALLY DO. Some people aren't as fortunate. If it doesn't bother them, it doesn't bother me. It's a personal choice. My forehead chooses Botox instead of my natural Shar Pei look, my breasts choose a lift and reduction instead of allowing gravity to take it's toll, my skIn chooses lasers to even out skin tone, correct sun damage and remove unwanted hair and one day, my eyes will want to be done because I enjoy makeup too much not to be able to apply it the way I want. That's just me! My body, my business. But I'll never hide it or be embarrassed of it. That's just me.
I enjoyed spending time with everyone on our trip. There are moments that we laugh at now that maybe were not as funny at the time. Everyone had their turn with their moods. A lot of funny moments were cut out as well. I'm so grateful to have the friends and family that I have. Caroline said it best," We may not be perfect, but we are perfect for each other!" My husband is the worlds greatest! I love him so much. Almost 14 and a half years and we are still going strong. Believe me, we have had our moments but the good FAR out weighs any bad. He is a good man and I feel lucky to have him in my life, and he's very sexy!

By the way, I was NOT hung over! It really WAS motion sickness when the two seas were meeting. It lasted about three hours. My Dad was sick as well. I DID have two mojitos and a pretty good buzz on me though. We had a great time that night. I played Chopsticks on the piano and while "Smooth Operator" by Sade was playing, I was asking the little crowd we had if they were, in fact, smooth operators. LOL! Every time Teresa and I would try to get the party started, the people would just look at us with blank stares. It made it that much more hilarious. I started repeating a song in Spanish to them that goes like this, "Yo no soy muy dinero, soy capitan, soy capitan, soy capitan!" LOL! I don't think they comprehended me. OH WELL! The REAL talented lounge singer was a good sport for letting us take over for a while, so a big thank you to her! Teresa and I were all over that ship that night. We actually borrowed and put back a huge gigantic wine bottle that they had for decoration on the bar. We just wanted to see if we could take it without anyone saying anything. We did it but returned it shortly after laughing our asses off. You should have seen the size of this thing. I couldn't even lift it on my own. Teresa is VERY strong by the way. It was great immature, innocent, much-needed fun! It felt great! I highly recommend Costa Cruise lines. It was an enormous, clean, beautiful, fun ship with great service and kid-friendly too. Special thanks to those that made our trip so pleasant and enjoyable!

Did you notice the outfits Teresa's kids were wearing on our trip? Adorable! Every day she had them in a different costume. It always puts a smile on my face. Teresa and Joe make me laugh all the time. I just love them. Who doesn't like to laugh?

On a serious note, drunk driving is never a good thing or excusable but to set the record straight, Joe was not drunk that night he left the restaurant with about 10 of us to drive home. I promise you! I was SHOCKED when I heard about the incident. Teresa drove in with us earlier into the city and left her car at my house and that was the only reason she wasn't in the car with Joe. She came home with us to get her car. Joe had a deep yawn and closed his eyes for a second when he was about three minutes from home going around a bend and hit a pole. After the accident, Joe was shaken up, called the police and then took a few shots of scotch to calm his nerves. WHO DOES THAT? LOL! When the police came there was no Indication of him drinking, he was not arrested on the spot, nor was there any mention of a DWI. He was sent to the hospital to get checked out and in that process, they drew blood, and by then, the alcohol kicked in and it appeared in his blood. That is when he got into trouble. That's the truth of it. Believe it or not. We just thank God that nobody else was involved or harmed in that accident. Someone had an angel watching over them.

I think that not only do Caroline and Albert make awesome parents, they will make fantastic Grandparents. It was cute to see them with the little ones. It was very sweet. Perhaps they may need a vacation after the vacation for some alone time, but they were still good sports about it.

I can't think about what else I needed to Blog about right now so I'm going to end this now. It's become way too long anyway. I'll be back next week or maybe I'll be back after the finale. All I will tell you is that the finale is intense and as you know, we just filmed our reunion show and you will NOT believe your eyes. I can't believe our season is almost over. That flew by for me. I hope we entertained you well. Love to all and thank you so much for your support. We all really appreciate it. Take care! XXOO!

Caroline-RHONJ Blog

Ciao! Come stai? (How are you)?

So, what did you think of our trip to Italy? So far so good? It was quite an experience for sure. Traveling with such a large group is never easy, especially with so many little ones and all of their cargo. I remember those days well and sympathize with all of you who are going through that phase now. It’s never easy but children grow, and this too shall pass.

I got such a kick out of watching our parents on the screen. Not only were my parents there, but Jacqueline’s, Teresa’s, and Joe’s parents were all there as well. What a crew! It was wonderful having them all along, and I have to admit, they were troopers. We covered a lot of ground in just a few days, and they kept up with the pace. Hugs and kisses to you all… xoxoxo

I need to address the babysitting scene. Teresa wanted to give her parents a break, and quite frankly, I understand where she was coming from. The trip was exhausting to say the very least, and even though they were there to babysit they needed some down time too. The girls were tired and cranky, and so was I! (Just as a side note, I was suffering with kidney stones throughout the entire trip, so my mood was far from pleasant. I actually spent the entire night before we left in the hospital hooked up to an IV in the hopes of flushing them out. No such luck. So my three kidney stones and I went on a trip to Italy together!) I’m glad you got to see a side of Albert that I know and love very well. He is tremendous with kids. He’s like a giant teddy bear, and kids love him. He will be one amazing grandpa, that I can guarantee.

Venice was freezing! Al and I had just been in July with the kids and it was nearly 100 degrees outside. I am determined to go when the weather is normal! April maybe? September?
In any event, Venice is one of those places that you have to put on your “bucket list." It’s absolutely magnificent. There is so much history there, and the architecture is something out of a fairytale. But take my advice, don’t go in February or July! LOL.

How about that ship? It was GIGANTIC! I have to say that Costa Cruise Line runs an impressive operation. The ship was immaculate, the service was outstanding, and the crew very polite and helpful. There’s only one problem, I hate cruises!

This has no bearing on the line, or the ship. This is all about me. I feel trapped. I find it frustrating to be on the water looking at land and wishing I could be there checking it all out.

That’s just my crazy head; I know there are millions of people out there that love to cruise. If you do, I highly recommend Costa Cruise Lines.

Next week we hit Naples, get ready! Ciao baby!



Alex Blogs About The RHONJ

After the premiere of DC, it’s back to NJ and then Italy for more drama. I’ve been having enough drama ironing out details for our book signing this weekend! If you’re in the Hamptons, we’re participating in Author's Night this Saturday the 14th.

This week we open with a discussion of Joe’s DWI incident. I still don’t understand what happened. It was 1am, and Joe was driving somewhere by himself. I will say that I don’t necessarily buy the explanation that he’d been sober before and started drinking afterward to calm down. Normally at 1am, people who have been out and aren’t tee-totallers have had at least one drink. If you have to call the police to report an accident, any rational person would remember that they’ll ask if you were drinking and maybe breathalyze you. It would have been better to wait until after the cops left to start mainlining scotch, after which point it would have been a more appropriate time to break down and get plastered, shake with fear over what just happened, etc. Maybe Joe was in such shock that he wasn’t rational. That scene was very uncomfortable to watch. Thank goodness no one else was in the car or in his path.

Why on earth did we need a scene with Danielle discussing Joe’s DWI with Danny? That scene did nothing for me except to make Danielle look simultaneously smug and bitter. Yuck. It’s OK for her not to appear in an episode, or maybe they could have put in some of her birth mother search. I'd rather see her fighting with Kim G. Speaking of Kim G – she’s the dog that didn’t bark this episode – will we see her again? Who knows…

Back to the rest of the family, we see everyone decide to go to Italy. Great choice; I love Italy and lived there for just over a year quite a while ago. Enjoyed seeing that Milania was named for Milano, a fabulous city though not one of the prettiest in the country. Albert is worried that this getaway won’t be relaxing. Albert, I hear you. Any field trip with any cast is guaranteed not to be relaxing. We see the clan land in Venezia and race around the city hunting for Chanel. I had to ask myself…WHY?? Go to Laura Biagotti, Fiorella, Missoni, Bruno Magli….there are so many great Italian designers who sell there, not to mention the amazing glassware nearby in Murano or the lace in Burano, both of which they could have reached by water taxi. Why Chanel? Just asking. If the gondolas make you seasick, get an espresso in one of the little cafes by the Piazza San Marco and watch people. Also, why was no one speaking Italian? My Italian sounds like a bambino con l’influenza is speaking, but it’s enough to go shopping and get the family fed – and I always just assumed the NJ gals spoke it better than I do. Maybe that will come next week with Teresa and Joe’s family – hope so, and I can’t wait to see some great sweeping village and hillside views.

Next, it’s a cruise. Note to Bravo, please please please don’t ever send the NY cast on one of those enormous cruise ships. Personally I can’t think of anything worse for a vacation. However, the NJ clan made the best of it, and took advantage of things like cooking classes and a bar on every level! Loved seeing Caroline stare the Giudice girls down, and Albert rising to the pre-Grandpa occasion. I pitied the hung-over Jacqueline, and understood how frustrated the whole table was with Milania’s birthday. They served the cake at the end, dinner had started late, the crew was running around….all that adds up to things taking longer than they should and the four year old fell asleep. They needed to wake her up for the presentation and she was not amused. Simon and I have lived this with both our boys when shooting and it makes everyone want to pull their hair out. At least all she did was scream; she didn’t start stabbing anyone’s pasta….Tee Hee.

Danielle-RHONJ Blog

Not much to say about tonight’s episode, but I have a lot to say about myself, my daughters, and all my future endeavors!

I would love to see all of you at my birthday party and debut performance of the dance remix of my song "Real Close." Come one, come all. It's at 10pm on August 10th at Scores in NYC (West 28th Street). RSVP at

I would like to talk about all of the positive things going on in my life. For they far outshine all else. First of all, thank you to everyone for tuning in every week to watch what happens on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Special thanks to all of my fans who stay steadfast by my side, and fight off the negative so I don’t necessarily have to all the time. I'd like you to know I recognize how much time and effort you've devoted to me. And from my heart, my entire family is grateful. Your response and support to the release of “Real Close” has been overwhelmingly positive and so greatly appreciated. Christine’s modeling career is going so well. She is booking up on a daily basis all the way through fashion week in September. You can find her book on my website at

I am so proud of Jillian Marie, she is about to release her song “What You're Talking About." She is being released digitally very soon and I'm happy to say she has chosen a great venue for her release party. Keep looking for her official release date to be announced on my website, To really get to know me, please read my book The Naked Truth, my memoir, which you can find on bookshelves everywhere. Thank you to Simon & Schuster for your support. You can find information on my book signings and all information connected to me and my endeavors including my t-shirt line, Danielle’s Mafia and my online store at Please follow me on twitter @daniellestaub.

I would like to thank Christine and Jillian and my entire team: Kristen, Lori, Todd, Giuseppe, Joann & Mark for being equals with me on this journey and never wavering, or shaking, and being steadfast by my side. My love for all of you is held so deeply in my heart. I will keep showing my gratitude every day. Thank you for believing in me, and in us. Lori, I want you to know how proud I am to have you believe in me the way you do.

Thank you to Eric Alt, from Eric Alt salon for donating his time, and products to an event I attended to stop domestic violence against women, a cause which is close to my heart and near to my heart.

And to all of my friends, and fans on Facebook and Twitter and everywhere I go for embracing me and my entire family, every blessing.
Next week, now, and always

Love & Light

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Eric Alt Hair Salon

Dr. Kassir –

I want to make a special thank you to my family at Bravo, with sincere additional BIG THANKS to Sirens Media Group, specifically Rebecca and Lucilla who have believed in me and supported me from the start. Before this even began, they saw in me and my family something of interest. Thank you all.

Kandi-RHOA Talks About Addiction

Click HERE to see Kandi's latest installment of The Bitter & The Sweet, Kandi is in Miami with her friends and the discussion turns to partying and drugs. Kandi poses the question: “What Makes An Addictive Personality?”Her friends weigh in on the discussion and share their stories and experiences.

LuAnn And Andy

Pic. from Luann.

Look who I ran into at the Work of Art party! Wish my neice Nicole had won but I'm very happy for Abdi!

The Salahi's Know How To Maneuver

Post from Radar Online.

Make no mistake: Ted Gibson is no fan of Michaele and Tareq Salahi, better known as the now infamous 'White House gatecrashers'.

Photo: Fame Pictures spoke exclusively with Gibson, the hair stylist to the Real Housewives of DC, and got some behind the scenes scoop on his experiences with the Salahis and he didn’t mince any words about them.

“This couple, these two people are able to maneuver themselves in a way like no one else,” Gibson said.

“You’ll see,” he dished about upcoming episodes. “If you watch the show you’ll see that there are things that are going to transpire that has really put a bad taste in your mouth. It really leads up to the White House dinner, or the White House ‘incident’ because they didn’t have dinner.”

Reports about the night the Salahi’s crashed the White House say that they spent the afternoon getting ready at a salon, but not Ted Gibson’s salon.

“No it was another salon,” Ted said laughing. “At that point we kind of had our fill of them.”

When asked Gibson if the Salahis owed him any money, he wouldn’t confirm or deny it. He also wouldn't go into details of their relationship, but he did laugh and say, “They owe a lot of people a lot of money.”
When asked if Ted Gibson believed the Salahi’s had an invitation to the White House State Dinner he replied, “Suspect. That’s all I’m saying, suspect.”

Gibson, who has done the hair for all five women on the show, said Michaele tends to be the center of all of the drama. “It’s really hard not to give her so much attention; you’re going to see things that are gonna shock the hell out of you.”

Teresa-RHONJ Tell US Her Girls Copy Her

Post from US magazine.

Teresa Giudice doesn't think her daughters -- Gia, 9, Gabriella, 6, Milania, 5 and Audriana, 11 months -- are too young to wear makeup.

"They see their mommy doing it and they want to do whatever mommy does," the Real Housewives of New Jersey star, 38, tells

When people question their age, she shrugs them off: "It's just lip gloss."

Audriana is growing so fast, Giudice tells Us.

"She's laughing, she's such a happy baby! She takes after her mom and dad because I think we're both real easy goin,'" she says. "She's clapping, she's starting to wave, she's sitting up."

Giudice -- who recently filed for bankruptcy after acquiring $11 million in debt when husband Joe's real estate deals went sour -- is working on another diet book. But that's not all she's penning.

"I have to write everything in her book. I always keep up with [her milestones] and I always have a camera. I'm like a creep with picture because once they get big, all you have is pictures and memories," she says.

One thing she doesn't want to hold on to, though: her baby weight.

"I haven't lost it all yet!" she says. "I still have about 10 pounds to go."

Get A Body Like Bethenny's

Q&A from Celebrity Extra.

Posted by Cindy Elavsky
Many know Bethenny Frankel as one of the stars of The Real Housewives of New York, which developed into her spinoff, Bethenny's Getting Married (both on Bravo). But she is also a natural-food chef, as well as an accomplished author and workout guru. I spoke with her recently about her new workout DVD, Body by Bethenny, which is available in stores and online now at most major retail outlets. But don't worry — I managed to sneak in some Real Housewives questions as well.

Celebrity Extra: I saw an "after-baby" picture of you online, and you looked absolutely FAB! A lot of my readers want to know how you lost the baby weight?
Bethenny Frankel: I had no idea what I would be in for after the baby. My gut instinct was to stick by what I preach in Naturally Thin and do my Body by Bethenny DVD when I felt up to it. I gained 35 pounds and gave birth early, but the weight simply came off afterward because I wasn't extreme about dieting nor had I binged while pregnant. Just be balanced before, during and after, and treat your diet like a bank account, and you will have no issue. It's the extremes that kill you.

CE: How did the whole idea for the workout DVD come about?
BF: People think I work out every day and do some psychotic drastic workout. What I do is key yoga moves a few days a week, but I'm consistent. I wanted to show people what I really do and that it doesn't have to be extreme or overwhelming.

CE: Was is it about the DVD that makes the workout right for most women and most fitness levels?
BF: This is yoga but not a spiritual class, and not too easy nor too challenging. It works for all levels and can be toned down or jacked up for each person or your mood that day.

CE: Is this easy to pick up for people who've never done yoga?
BF: This is absolutely for beginners and advanced yogis. I've been doing yoga for 20 years, but some days I can't bend over.

CE: How do you motivate yourself to exercise, when you are too busy or too tired, which is a problem for a lot of women, new mothers especially?
BF: I do what I can. Even if I do 15 minutes of the DVD, it's better than nothing and doesn't make me dread it. I also like that you do it at home. Sometimes I do it while my baby is in the bouncy seat next to me.

CE: You are also a natural-food chef — what is a typical day of eating for you?
BF: No two days are the same, which is why I'm "naturally thin." I eat according to my mood, location, the circumstances, etc. This liberating lifestyle makes for no binging.
CE: With the Skinnygirl book series, how did that idea spring to life, and how did it turn into a publishing deal?
BF: Naturally Thin has helped thousands of people to lose incredible amounts of weight. I wrote it because I found the key to unlock people's thinness without ever dieting again — I had to share it. Skinnygirl Dish teaches people how to cook how I do: healthfully and delicious using what I happen to have in my kitchen.

CE: What advice about eating and working out would you give women who work full time (especially in sedentary jobs) and might find it hard to keep a balance?
BF: Don't be stressed or frustrated. Take a moment to plan. Never binge or diet. Understand that being "naturally thin" becomes part of your fiber so you never need to be stressed or overwhelmed. You can only do what you can but make sure you are doing what you can when you can.

CE: Will there be another season of Real Housewives of New York, and if so, will you return to the show?
BF: I very highly doubt I will go back to Housewives. I don't see any reason or upside for that.

CE: I think it is great that you got a spinoff, Bethenny's Getting Married. How did that deal come about — was it your idea, the producers, or both?
BF: The show was the idea of myself and Bravo. The viewers wanted a closer look at my life. The show is and will always be about exactly what is going on in my life — and that is a lot!

Jacqueline-RHONJ Talks About Sex

Article from US magazine.

Let's talk about sex, baby!

Photo: Wire Image
Real Housewives of New Jersey star Jacqueline Laurita says she wasn't afraid to discuss the birds and the bees with her 19-year-old daughter Ashley Holmes.

"I already had a whole sex talk with her," the reality star, 40, tells "I knew she was dating an older guy, and I'm not going to be in denial like a lot of parents like, 'Oh, not my kid!'"
And Laurita -- who gave birth to son Nicholas Francis in June 2009 -- wasn't afraid to throw in a few scary details about the dangers of STDs during their candid conversation.

"I showed her every disease manual I could find and made her watch all the scary movies," she says. "I tried to scare her first."

Laurita believes that having open conversations with her daughter about sex will encourage Holmes to make more responsible decisions.

"My daughter tells me the truth," she tells Us. "When I ask her, she is very honest with me, and we have that honest relationship."
But the Bravo star realizes that not all mothers are comfortable discussing touchy subjects like sex with their teenage daughters -- which is why Laurita is happy to share her experiences on camera.

"Some mothers will relate to it, others will be appalled, but its what we chose to do," she says.

Lawsuit Sheds Light On Danielle's Past

Post from Babble.

Posted by SunnyChanel
We all knew there were some skeletons in the closet of the Real Housewife of New Jersey’s Danielle Staub. But it’s not just one or two, it sounds like she has a whole army of skeletons in there. There were new allegations about her totally shocking past and she ain’t no saint. Forget love and light it’s more like crime and chaos. So what is being said about Danielle and her old wild ways?

Danny Aguilar, who was a cohort of Danielle’s back in the day, is demanding $100,000. A repayment of money he allegedly put up to save Danielle’s life when drug dealers wanted to kill her. Danny and Danielle had been busted together. He did fifteen years in prison for the crime while Danielle got nada, having made a deal with the feds and turning against her pals. Not one to minch words, Danny told that Danielle is a, “She’s a snitchin’ coke wh*re.” Ouch. And he means that literally. Like she was a snitch, liked to do coke and was a prostitute, he just opted to say it in a more…umm… poetic way.
Danny was questioned under oath in California for several hours about Danielle (in regards to a lawsuit – a slander suit against Danielle from her ex husband Kevin Maher). Danny claims that when he first met Danielle in the 1980s, she was working as a hooker in Miami. He has called an escort service and Danielle was sent to him and he paid her $150 for her services. Then the two started to date, off the clock that is. They got involved in a drug deal that went horribly wrong and Danny had to come up with 100 grand to save her life when the drug lords wanted her dead. According to Danielle, she had claimed the drugs in question had been stolen from her, but Danny believes that she was in cahoots with another man and lied to him, making up the whole “the drugs were stolen” story.

There was also a tale of how they were demanding money from the “other man” and when he couldn’t come up with it Danielle lost it and “grabbed a loaded 9mm Beretta gun and hit the man several times in the head.” (an act that was mentioned by Jacqueline Laurita on a recent episode). She then talked to the man’s dad on the phone saying that they would kill his son if he didn’t send them money. That’s when Danielle and Danny were arrested and charged with extortion and intent to distribute drugs.

In his testimony Danny was apparently asked if he wanted to harm Danielle now. He told that, “I said, ‘I don’t want to answer that’ but she said I had to answer, so I said, ‘Honestly I wanted to kill her because of what she did, but I realize that if she’s dead I’m not going to get paid.’

He added: “Dead bodies can’t pay you what they owe you. I want her alive.”

BGM Lost Footage Clip

Short video from BGM.

Ramona On HSN

Video of Ramona on HSN.

Kathy Walsh's Dad Confirms She Is Pregnant With Kelsey's Child

Post from Daily Mail Online.

Grammer and Miss Walsh were pictured in yesterday’s Daily Mail before her full identity emerged strolling happily together in New York just six weeks after the actor filed for divorce from his third wife.

It is not clear how the couple met, but Miss Walsh’s father confirmed last night that his daughter, who is from Bristol and works for Virgin Atlantic Airways, is pregnant with Grammer’s child.

Speaking from his £500,000 home in Portishead, Somerset, Mr Walsh told the Mail how his daughter had simply ‘hit it off’ with the actor best known for his roles in the U.S. sitcoms Frasier and Cheers.
More...Isn't it ironic! Alanis Morissette picks a cheeky way to reveal she's pregnant

Mr Walsh, 53, who is now a coach at Bristol City, said he and his wife Susan were happy with their daughter’s pregnancy, saying: ‘It’s great news and we are very pleased for them both.

‘I don’t know how long they have been together and I have not met him yet, but I’m looking forward to it. We just found out about her pregnancy a couple of days ago.

‘I think they met in New York socially because she works for Virgin Airways and often stops over in America.

‘The main thing is for them both to be happy and they are – they have just hit it off together.’

Footballing family: Kayte's father Alan Walsh, left, is a coach at Bristol City, and her brother plays for Dagenham & Redbridge

He added that he was a ‘big fan’ of Cheers and Frasier. Miss Walsh has a 23-year-old sister, Sophie, while her brother Phil is a football player for League One side Dagenham & Redbridge.

She is used to meeting celebrities when working in Upper Class for Virgin Atlantic on flights to and from America.

A friend revealed: ‘Kayte is a great girl, Kelsey is besotted with her, they are spending all their time together.’

Grammer filed for divorce from his third wife, 41-year-old former Playboy model Camille Donatacci, on July 1.

Covering her bump? Miss Walsh steps out in New York City with Grammer

They cited ‘irreconcilable differences’ as the reason for the end of their 13- year marriage. She is seeking primary custody of their daughter Mason, eight, and son Jude, five.

His first marriage was to dance instructor Doreen Alderman and lasted from 1982 to 1990 during which time they had one child, Spencer, now 26, an actress.

He married stripper Leigh-Anne Csuhany in 1992. They parted after he claimed she was abusive and had beaten him up.

During this marriage, Grammer had a daughter out of wedlock, Greer Kandace, now 18, with hair and makeup stylist Barrie Buckner.

Grammer’s life has been marked by tragedy. When he was 13 his estranged father, Allen, was gunned down in a random attack by a psychopath.

His younger sister, Karen, was raped and stabbed to death 35 years ago by a gang of teenagers, a tragedy from which he never fully recovered and which led him into a self-destructive spiral of drink and drugs.

In 2008 he had a near-fatal heart attack.

He also battled the loss of his close friend, David Angell, the creator of Frasier, who died with his wife Lynn aboard American Airlines Flight 11 when it was crashed into the World Trade Centre in New York during the 9/11 attacks.

Jill And Ally Go Shopping In LA

Pictures and post from Radar Online.

After a thrilling third season of The Real Housewives of New York, the hit Bravo reality show’s most controversial housewife, Jill Zarin, has taken the summer off to spend every minute she can with her daughter Ally before she heads off to college. was invited to join mother-and-daughter on a VIP shopping spree at Arcade Boutique in West Hollywood as Ally -- and her closet -- got prepared for her first year of dorm life.

“I have a lot of anxiety over Ally going to college this year,” Jill told us.

“So we’ve spent the whole summer together... in the Hamptons, (doing) pilates, dinners, reading, swimming, and beaching. A lot of together time. So by the time the end of the summer comes she’ll be finished with me and I’ll probably be finished with her for a while!"

To commemorate the occasion, Jill snapped photos as Ally modeled some ultra-trendy back-to-school fashions sure to make any roommate jealous.
But unlike D.C housewife Mary, who has a fingerprint lock on her closet, Ally has an open door policy.

“So do you think she’ll be okay with you having so many clothes?” Jill asked.

“She better be… I told her I’d share,” Ally quipped with a smile.
“I got a lot of great stuff for college. I’m so excited!"
There are big changes ahead when Ally attends Sarah Lawrence College in just two weeks.
But Jill is confident the close mother and daughter will see plenty of each other.
“She’s going to be in school really close (by) and if I’m missing her I can go and have dinner...well, if she’ll let me,” Jill told

Have Dinner With Teresa-RHONJ

Post from North

Il Michelangelo Restaurant, at 91 Elcock Ave. in Boonton, will host a dinner and book signing with Teresa Giudice of the Bravo TV show, "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" and her family on Wednesday, Aug. 18.
Giudice will sign copies of her cookbook, "Skinny Italian." Dinner reservations are required, for 5 to 10 p.m. Call Dominic at 973-316-1111.

To view the menu, go to

Bring a camera as Giudice as she will be happy to have photos taken with participants.

Her book can be purchased at Il Michelangelo.

Jill-RHONY Book Signing In West Hollywood

Picture of Jill at her book signing at Book Soup in West Hollywood, California.

Kyle Richards With Her Niece Paris

Picture/Video of  Paris Hilton and Kyle Richards attending Paris' 'Tease' Fragrance Launch at MyStudio  in Hollywood, California.