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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bryn Is True Love For Bethenny

From CupCake Mag Sprinkles.

Bethenny Frankel -- Life as a Mom

Last time we spoke with Bethenny she was only a few months pregnant, had a new book out and just finished filming season 3 of RHONY. Since then, she has gotten married, written a third book, released Body by Bethenny, had a baby and a new show. We all feel in love with Bethenny Frankel and her so sweet family all over again on Bethenny Getting Married. She is a true inspiration - not just as a biz woman but as a super-momma. Bethenny does it at all as a wife, business maven, writer and now you can add super-mom to the top of her list.

We really enjoyed Bethenny Getting Married? -- can we expect to see a second reality show focusing on your life as a mom or a return to The Real Housewives? We have are hopes set!
I have to believe that there will be a second season. Tv shows are about supply and demand. BGM is a huge success, so if the viewers want it, they will get it.

From watching your new show, we can see that you are serious a pro a multi-tasking. How has your life changed since your welcomed Bryn?
Even though my schedule is crazed, I as a person have softened and slowed down. Bryn makes everything around me so quiet and simple. This is true love.

What challenges have you faced managing it all?
I am painfully punctual and being on time is really challenging. This makes me crazy. I also have difficulty managing the equal distribution of love amongst Jason,Bryn and Cookie(dabooboo).

We know with kids you feel like your carrying everything. (I have 3 girls and feel like I carry everything plus the kitchen sink) What are your essentials when leaving the house with Bryn?
Omg the shlep factor is huge! Bottles, wipes, diapers, A&D ointment, a hat and a blanket are some of the basics.

You have a super-chic style and always so put together. Who is your favorite designer? What is your go-to outfit?
I'm always in pajamas, but if I'm at a tv appearance or segment I wear Alice and Olivia, Michael Kors, Zac Posen. Truthfully, labels don't matter. Whatever fits well and is a bright color.

I am sure you have plans to make Bryn's baby food -- do you have any recipes in mind? Are you excited for the step?
I'm excited to puree bright fruits and vegetables: peaches, butternut squash, peas. This will be the next best thing to breast feeding which is so rewarding. Only the best for Bryn.

As if you don't have enough going on....what is up next for you?
I'm really knee deep in my book "A Place of Yes" which will give women the rules to getting everything they want. It is what got me here.

While we wait for another season of The Real Housewives of New York or Bethenny Getting Married you can stay-up-to date with Bethenny on Twitter and Facebook.

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